Monday, July 27, 2009

a little dab of color, a little dash of spice

today is monday
and my day off.

this morning was this: a little bit of colour on the palate, in a shirt dress and apron, paint brush in hand, painted a little bit of places i want to go. and pepper and fresh basil on tomatoes for lunch.

ooo, this will make mommy proud. i just made chapati bread. i've been wanting to make this forever. i understand how it can be quite a bit of work as i had to slave and sweat over the stove for a bit.

whole wheat flour, ap flour, touch of olive oil, dash of salt, hot water, and to take it to the next level of deliciousness sprinkle a touch of cumin. knead knead knead over a semi-floured surface. divide into 10 parts (or 11 as i did), and let it "rest", thats right, let it take a wee siesta for a few minutes. flatten and roll with rolling pin so its a bit like a tortilla. (or with a measuring cup, since i don't have rolling pin.) over a lightly floured surface. heat pan, and and place gently onto it for about 30 secs, or until brown spots appear, then flip.

i definatly have not perfected the art of making beautifully round chapati, but here's what i did that worked for the 11th one. after rounding it into a ball, use your palm to flatten in a circular motion, then roll out.

serve with curry, or make into a wrap. i also made chicken curry salad which is a really easy recipe. (cooked chicken, curry powder, celery, mayo) mmmm.

Enjoy on a sunny afternoon or evening with a glass of sparkling icetea and some friends to end the day with a healthy international yumminess.

... the rest of the day i exited my very hot house and hopped on a bus to visit miss cynthia at market street traders, where i got delicious fudge samples. then walked my dear sister home and had chicken curry salad wraps on chapati bread. tonight will probably will hang out with my favorite people.

thus ends the story of my day. :D.


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